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Writer's pictureJoe Shedd

6 Ways to Cut Expenses to Invest in Your Future

If you are looking for a way to invest your money so that it can grow while at the same time cutting expenses, then this blog post is for you! I’ll show you how to save money which will allow you to funnel that into investments. There are many different ways of saving money including reducing your food budget, purchasing generic brands when shopping, not making impulsive purchases and more. This article will focus on some of the most common areas where people spend their money without realizing it or even thinking about it. It's easy to get caught up in our day-to-day lives with work and family commitments but if we don't take time out of our schedules each month to consider how much we're spending on things like this then we could easily be overspending in areas we don't even realize! Below are six tips to help you save money so you can funnel that extra money into your investments:

1. Cut your food budget by cooking at home or hosting potlucks

Unfortunately, many people are in a position where they have to spend more on food than they want. They may be living with roommates or family members who don't agree about mealtimes and grocery shopping, so it's hard for them to cook at home. Or maybe their work schedule means they can't prepare meals in advance before heading out the door. These situations lead to eating out more often than desired which is not only expensive but also unhealthy since most restaurant foods contain too much fat and sodium. Fortunately, there are ways of cooking that allow you to eat well without spending a lot of money - like hosting potlucks with friends or cooking large batches ahead of time then freezing them for later use. When you do this, you don't have to worry about spending too much on food when you're eating out with your friends or family, and neither do they. You can also save money by buying ingredients in bulk at wholesale stores like Sam's Club or Costco. Even if you don't plan on cooking them all right away, it still makes sense because there are so many items that can last for months if you store them properly. You don't have to deal with the expense of eating out all the time or wasting food by throwing it away once it's gone bad, and your wallet will be happy too!

2. Purchase generic brands when grocery shopping

Shopping wisely can save you money. In addition to comparing prices on different brands, there are other things you can do to make your grocery bill shrink. One of these is by purchasing generic brands when grocery shopping. Generic products have all the same ingredients as their brand name counterparts but usually cost less because they’re not advertised and don’t come with a fancy label. If a product has a “generic equivalent,” this means that it is manufactured by the same company that manufactures its more expensive counterpart, meaning that it will be just as good quality but for an affordable price tag. Make sure to read the labels carefully before making your purchase in order to compare nutritional information too! You might also want to consider having one “generic” night each week where you make a meal using only generic products. This will help to not only cut down on your grocery budget, but also teach yourself new recipes!

3. Don't purchase items impulsively - think about whether you need them before buying them

Recently, I was in the mall when I saw a sign for a sale. I found myself being drawn to the store because of the deals that were being offered. I wanted to buy something, anything! But then my wife's voice popped into my head telling me not to spend money on what you don't need just because it is discounted. It sounded like she knew about everything that was going through my mind, so I decided not to enter the store and instead continued browsing around. After all, there are many other stores in this mall so why would I go back later? This experience taught me how important it is not to make impulse purchases since they can be quite costly in terms of time and money wasted trying to figure out where to put the thing you just bought and how much money you could end up spending. It's okay to enjoy shopping, but make sure that if you are going to purchase something, it is because you really need it and not because of a sale sign or because the item is on clearance. If you find that you can't resist these types of temptations, try waiting at least 24 hours before making the purchase so that you have time to think about whether or not you actually need it. Most likely, by then you will have forgotten what it was that caught your attention in the first place!

4. Stop drinking alcohol if it is a major expense for you

Alcohol is a major expense for many people and can become even more expensive if you drink too much. You might not think that drinking alcohol would be an issue because it's something we all enjoy now and then, but the truth is that it can easily get out of hand. If this sounds like you, take some time to consider how much money you spend on alcohol each month as well as the damage it does to your body - such as liver disease or cancer. Alcohol also has a negative effect on your sleep cycle and will leave you feeling sluggish during the day, which won't help with any productivity goals either! The good news is that there are many ways to cut down on your drinking without suffering from withdrawals or suffering from cravings. You can try alternating each drink with a glass of water or if you’re eating out, consider ordering soda instead. If this doesn't work for you, it might be time to take some serious action and stop drinking alcohol altogether - at least until your budget is in better shape!

5. Consider getting rid of your car to save money on insurance, gas, and maintenance costs or downsizing

Selling your car might seem like a dramatic step, but it can cut costs significantly. The average cost of owning and operating an automobile is $8,472 per year according to AAA. That breaks down to about $706 per month What’s more, the expense could be even higher if you live in a city with high parking rates or having to pay for repairs due to collisions or other damage. Downsizing your vehicle by trading up to a less expensive model can reduce these expenses considerably while still giving you access to the same level of transportation services that are needed on a daily basis. For example, many people who live in large cities can get by with a cheap car that has good gas mileage while still giving them access to the metro system or their work. Others choose to use ride-sharing services like Vanpools, which cost much less than owning your own vehicle.

6. Cut out your daily snacking or coffee to potentially save $100s a month

If you are looking for a way to save money on your monthly bills, it might be time to cut out or reduce some of your daily habits that cost money. For example, if you enjoy eating snacks every day, try cutting back to once a week and see what happens. If you can't resist the temptation of eating sweets after dinner each evening, switch to drinking water instead. And while coffee is delicious in the morning when we need an energy boost before starting our day, it's not really necessary throughout the rest of the day too. This doesn't mean that people who drink coffee should stop completely - just have one cup per day instead of three! You'll save $100s per month which will give you even more funds for investments down the line.


In order to save money, it’s important to understand the different ways you can cut your costs. You might be surprised by how much you could save from cuts like buying generic brands when shopping or downsizing a car in favor of public transportation. The takeaway for this blog post is that saving money doesn’t have to mean cutting out everything fun and just being miserable all the time. It means making smart choices with where we spend our money so that we can funnel more into investments which will pay off in the long-term. Have any tips on how people can cut their monthly spending? Share them in the comments below!



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